OTP LOCKED: 1 CID: 81 PAF: 1 IMEI: 0124850 CERT: RED

Tpa/preset/custom/SETT_STARTSHOW_HOOK_1.itm Tpa/preset/custom/SETT_SCREENSAVER_HOOK_1.itm Tpa/preset/custom/ORG_APPLICATIONS_HOOK_3.itm Writing "C:\Documents and Settings\vp\My Documents\GSM\Sony Ericsson\Setool\Setool SE J108\R7EA011.FS_BALTIC_HO_REDBROWNBLUE_CID81_80_53_52_49.SOFTWARE" LDR CAPS: SYSTEM FLASH GDFS FILESYSTEM TA MAPP CXC article: R7DA052 prg1239-0181_HUTCHISON_HO Also how can I confirm my phone unlockable.

Please help I need to unlock J108a locked to fido canada, can you please let me know what do I need and how do I buy credit and what software to downloand. PLEASE UPGRADE USBFLASH DRIVER I had problem to unlock this phone, that only this far i can go. Hi borther, can you tell me more how to unlock this phone, wat setting you select + wat cable vv.v.v.v Sony Ericsson J108 Unlock done With Setool 6 credits.